Čizme s platformom su čizme koje karakteriziraju podignuti, debeli potplati koji su općenito tu kako bi pružili i visinu i stilska svojstva cipeli. Čizme s platformom i cipele s platformom obično nose ljudi koji pokazuju interes za gotičku odjeću, modu 1970-ih ili druge popularne stilove u kojima su cipele s platformom popularne i trendi. Iako se ove čizme obično nose u modne svrhe, neki ljudi mogu odlučiti nositi čizme samo u svrhu povećanja visine.
Visoke čizme i cipele s platformom dolaze u raznim stilovima, bojama i visinama. Čizme s platformom iz sedamdesetih obično su šarenije i visoke, a cipele s platformom nadahnute gotikom obično su crne boje i često imaju vezice ili kopče koje idu sve do vrha čizme. Sve cipele s platformom prepoznatljive su po prepoznatljivim debelim potplatima koji ih razlikuju od ostalih visokih čizama ili cipela s visokom petom.
Both women and men can be seen wearing platform boots and shoes, and the shoes were extremely popular with both genders during the 1970s and during the era in which disco was popular. The popularity of high boots and stacked heels declined considerably in the late 20th century, but the platform shoe was still seen in the fashion world in the early 21st century, especially when worn by popular gothic bands and style icons.
Most platform boots can be worn with a variety of clothing items, and how someone chooses to wear the boots completely depends on his or her own style preferences. During the 1970s, it was popular for wearers to pair the boots with bell-bottom pants or mini-skirts. To achieve a more gothic look, modern wearers often sport the boots with fishnet tights, baggy black pants or other dark-colored clothing items. The boots often can be found in a wide variety of colors and styles, making the wearer even more unique in how he or she chooses to sport the look.
Većina ljudi koji se odluče nositi cipele s platformom to čine zbog stila i mode ili kako bi postigli određeni izgled. Međutim, postoje ljudi koji bi mogli nositi cipele iz drugih razloga. Na primjer, radnik ili radnik koji treba dodatnu visinu na poslu može nositi cipele s platformom isključivo u tu svrhu. Cipele s platformom ponekad se nazivaju cipelama s dizalom, jer dodaju željenu visinu korisniku i imaju zadebljane uloške zbog kojih osoba koja nosi cipelu izgleda viša.