Što se dogodilo 20. ožujka?

President Lyndon Johnson sent Federal troops to Alabama to protect Civil Rights marchers. (1965) Johnson was responding to Alabama Governor George Wallace’s refusal to provide protection for those involved in the Civil Rights Movement. Under the protection of the Federal troops, more than 50,000 people marched from Selma to Montgomery, marking a major turning point in the Civil Rights Movement.

Tokijska podzemna željeznica napadnuta je plinom sarinom. (1995.) Jedan od najvećih terorističkih napada kasnog 20. stoljeća, izveo ga je kult sudnjeg dana poznat kao Vrhovna istina. Policija je na kraju uhvatila vođu u tajnom kompleksu u blizini planine Fuji i optužen je za ubojstvo.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first anti-AIDS drug. (1987) Zidovudine, also known as AZT, was the first anti-AIDS drug to be approved for use in the US. The drug dramatically altered the prognosis of AIDS, and prolonged the lifespan of many with the disease.

Kaže se da je stvorena Crna smrt. (1345.) Znanstvenici sa Sveučilišta u Parizu tvrdili su da je bubonska kuga nastala “trostrukom konjunkcijom Saturna, Jupitera i Marsa na 40. stupnju Vodenjaka”. Na svom vrhuncu bolest je zbrisala preko trećine Europe, a još uvijek se javlja u izoliranim slučajevima.

The Dutch East India Company was founded. (1602) The company was extremely powerful in its day, and greatly contributed to the exploration and development of several Asian nations. It was also the first multinational corporation, and the first to issue stock.

Picassova djela prvi put su prikazana u SAD-u. (1923.) Umjetnički klub u Chicagu bio je domaćin prve modernistove izložbe u SAD-u pod naslovom “Izvorni crteži Pabla Picassa”. Galerija će postati jedna od vodećih u pokretu moderne umjetnosti u SAD-u.

King Louis XVI received American representatives. (1778) American ambassadors, including Benjamin Franklin, were officially received for the first time in France on this day, although they had been making secret visits since 1776. The French king was afraid to associate the country with America in the beginning, and only recognized the ambassadors when it looked like the colonists would lose without French help.

Objavljena je Koliba ujaka Tome. (1852.) Na današnji je dan prvi put objavljen utjecajni roman Harriet Beecher Stowe o ropstvu. Bio je fenomenalno popularan za vrijeme građanskog rata i ostao je klasično književno djelo.

Nikita Khrushchev began his rise to power. (1953) Khrushchev’s political career greatly advanced when he was named one of five men appointed to the Secretariat of the Communist Party. It was a major leap in his political career which culminated in him becoming the premier of Russia in 1958.

Napoleon je ušao u Pariz, započevši svoju Stodnevnu vladavinu. (1815.) Bivši car pobjegao je iz progonstva na Elbi i stigao do Pariza prije nego što su ga međunarodne sile proglasile odmetnikom. Na kraju je ponovno poražen i poslan u progonstvo na otok Sveta Helena.